Breakfast offers

Every morning from nine o’clock

Express Breakfast Menu:

Choice of croissant (plain, chocolate, peach), coffee or tea, 2 dl 100% orange juice

Fitness Breakfast Menu:

Fruit yogurt, muesli, coffee or tea, 2 dl 100% orange juice

Művész Breakfast Menu:

Omelet + 2 optional toppings (cheese, ham, mushrooms), coffee/tea, 2 dl 100% orange juice

Breakfast with eggs:

French toast
Ham and Eggs
Bacon and Eggs
Omelet with 2 optional toppings

English Breakfast

Continental Breakfast

You can find us at

1061 Budapest, Andrássy str. 29.


+36 (70) 333-2116
+36 1 343 3544

Follow our social channels


Opening Hours

Monday - Saturday:  9:00 - 20:00
Sunday & Holidays:
9:00 - 20:00

We look forward to hearing your questions and comments via our phone contacts or by message!